
Following a cardiac event it is important that you take care of yourself and your long-term health.
  • Regular visits to the doctor
Ensure a good relationship with your doctor.
  • Set goals
Set goals with your health care team to improve your health and lifestyle to prevent the risk of future cardiac events.
  • Take medications
Ensure to take all medications prescribed by your doctor and ask any questions that you might have.
  • Risk factor modification
There are some risks factors that you can change including smoking, poor quality diet, high blood pressure, physical inactivity and depression. By changing these risk factors you can reduce your risk of a heart disease.
  • Participate in cardiac rehabilitation
Cardiac rehabilitation is an educational service which supports you to recover and modify risk factors in order to prevent future cardiac events. Cardiac rehabilitation is given by qualified health professionals and your doctor to provide advice on:
  • Heart disease and recovery.
  • Risk factor modification.
    • Smoking.
    • Diet.
    • Physical activity.
    • Psychological health.
    • Medications.
    • Skills for behaviour change.
    • Support for follow-up with local health services.


  1. National Heart Foundation, Managing cardiovascular conditions, viewed 6 June 2013